Monday 5 March 2018

Character Education
This term, we are learning about what character is and why it is important.

What is kindness?

Koru 2 came to consensus that individuals who are kind could be described as caring, thoughtful and considerate.

We discussed how people feel when someone is kind to them? And how does it feel to be kind to someone else?

We read the story 'Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch'.
We discussed this book in depth and made connections from this book to our own experiences.

Each student wrote a note to another student in the classroom explaining why they're a gift to the class. We discussed the effects on both parties.

We then learnt  about the concept of “bucket-filling” and children  performed this in class. The lesson’s purpose was to give students an awareness of how their choices (words & actions) can make a difference in their lives as well as those of others.

Curriculum Links: Health and PE Curriculum - Personal identity
- Children can describe their own feelings, beliefs, and actions, and those of other people, to contribute to their personal sense of self-worth.

- Understand how groups make and implement rules and laws.

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